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Study on the New Influencer

When looking for information about new influencers in social media the search results are endless. But, that is simply the reality of search engines and results. In fact, that is the point of them. Bing attempted to market themselves as a more direct search engine, but even they are guilty to never ending results.

Another fact is that new influencers are the main consumers of these “search engine overloads.” And, they seem to enjoy it.

The Institute for Public Relations and Wieck Media funded a study in March 2011 over new media usage by new influencers. The Society for New Communications Research conducted the study by an online survey of almost 300 PR and marketing communications professionals. They wanted to discover what type of impact the changing patterns of influence would cause.

Influence is no longer simply distributed through broadcast and journalism. There are many non-traditional channels that redefine media. This study’s purpose was to define how organizations define “new influencers,” create a relationship with them, use social media and measure their progress.

There is a lot of information in the slideshare, but it is worth your time to take a look. One day we could be presenting these types of studies – never hurts to have a head start on presentation skills.

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